Day 50 – (9/3/15) Esperance to Albany to Quinninup
We drove along the southern coast towards Albany. Albany was a quaint old port town. We walked around the town and watched the moving of some heavy equipment at the dock for quite some time. Ryan is always so intrigued by heavy machinery.

From Albany, we headed to the Valley of the Giants where we explored on the ground as well as in the treetops of these magnificent trees.
We spent the night at Quinninup Eco Tourist Park. The sites were plentiful and grassy and there were dozens of kangaroos on the property. We found out later that the owners of the park feed the kangaroos daily and they are very habituated to people. I’m not quit sure this is a good thing. I had a devil of a time keeping the kangaroos from crawling up my body in search of food when I was eating breakfast. They are strong animals and I really didn’t want to piss them off by pushing them away. They were very insistent.