Day 32 – (8/17/15) Well 24 to Lake Disappointment, 71 miles.
We explored Well 24 and the surrounding area in the morning.
LeeWhay has made up a chant that she sings in order to cope with the trail conditions and the trip in general.
“Dune, dune, corrugation, hole in ground, BUCKET!”
Ryan thinks it is funny and attempts to get her on video whenever she is chanting it.
Georgia Bore.
Wells 23, 22 & 21.
We arrived at Lake Disappointment as the day was coming to an end. We found a lovely spot under a grove of Dessert Oaks and decided to walk out on the lake to take in the scenery.
We have not run into any people on the track or heard anyone on the radio for quite some time. The lack of noise is wonderful and unsettling at the same time.
LeeWhay cooked dinner while Ryan repaired a broken bolt on the spare tire carrier.
We also pulled out our Shortwave radio to see if we could find something to listen to. We were hoping to hear a weather report because the clouds in the distance look a bit threatening. Unfortunately, we only heard an Asian channel. Hopefully it doesn’t rain. We may be stuck here for a few days if it does. The clay pans can become impassable and dangerous when they are wet. We will have to just wait and see.
-LeeWhay & Ryan